Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Don't be surprised

Meanwhile, Peter continued knocking.  When they finally opened the door & saw Him, they were amazed (Acts 12:16 NLT)

So the people then weren't much different than we are a lot of times today.  They were praying for Peter to be released but they were amazed when it happened.  How many times do we do that?  Kind of like "wow God really heard me & did that".  We need to be more expectant!  One thing you need to know is when I write something it's because God is talking to me about it. I am really praying for an opportunity in ministry right now.  It's really on my heart to encourage people, reach people, & share Gods word.  I would love to be able to do this full time but I might not always expect that answer.  I need to be looking for that answer each day.  Maybe you have something similar in your life.  Something you're really praying about & maybe you just need the expectancy to go with it.  Expect God to move & open that door!  If you will I will.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Come close

Come  close to God, & God will come close to you.  Wash your hands,you sinners: purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God & the world (James 4:8 NLT)
this verse reminds me of a great Michael W. Smith song, Draw Me Close.  Sometimes you just need to know its you & God.  Get rid of all the problems, frustrations, & distractions & just get close to God.  It promises if we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us.  We come into Gods presence every time we pray, read His word, praise Him, or gather with other believers. There isno better place to be.  Dwell in His presence & lay any burdens &/or sins you have at His feet.  He will lighten your load. Also if you want to experience closeness with God you need to make sure your attention is not divided.  Straddling the fence isnot a good place to be.  God wants youto choose.  He wants all f you & if you will give that to Him, He will do great things in & through you.  You can't have anything or anyone more important than Him in your life. Find you a place where it's just you & God, let Him know how you feel, ask Him to move in you, & tell Him He is your one & only!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Rediscover the power

Therefore, confess your sins to one another, & pray for one another so that you may be healed.  The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much (James 5:16 NASB)

I think that today a lot of times the power of prayer is overlooked & we as Christians are missing out on one of most important tools.  A lot of times people will say "all I can do is pray".  Hallelujah!  I will take it because that's the best thing you can do for me anyway.  Sometimes when that's "all" we can do that is when we are the strongest & most powerful because we're saying it's out of our hands & it's up to You God.  God loves those situations when we're completely dependent on Him.  He loves to work then.  This verse is telling us to clear up our sins with others & with God when we pray.  He is Lord of your life & He doesn't  want things between you & Him.  When your checkbook looks hopeless, your medical report isnt good, the future is uncertain talk to God about it.  It says here it can accomplish much.  If we want improvement in our country, pray!  Ask God to move in your life, the lives of others, & in our nation.  If we all are doing that, what is too hard for God?

Sunday, January 27, 2013


For we are Gods masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the great things He planned for us long ago (Eph. 2:10 NLT)

Let that sink in a minute.  When God (the creator of the universe) created you, He was excited!  He created a perfect you, a masterpiece.  He didn't just think you were alright, He was proud of His work.  So even though we think we have a lot of flaws, imperfections, or things we can't do, God created us just as we need to be to accomplish His work.  Once we become His child, we become a new masterpiece.  He continues perfecting us for the rest of our lives.  He equips us with everything we need.  He lines us up where we need to be if well just follow Him.  God didn't create you as His masterpiece only to put you on a shelf to collect dust.  He wants to show off the work He has for you to do.  You're important to Him.  He cares about you.  Your creator is proud of you!  Wake up in the morning & tell God thank you for making you a masterpiece, & then live like you are!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bring down the walls

The seventh time around, as the priests sounded the long blast on their horns, Joshua commanded the people, "Shout!  For the Lord has given you the town!" (Joshua 6:16 NLT)

Nothing had happened yet.  The walls were still up & victory had not yet been achieved.  God had given them a very specific list of things to do in order to achieve victory & up to this point they had followed it.  They had one more thing to do to achieve that victory, they had to shout.  What if they had said this is dumb, it isn't working, it's hot out here, i knew it wouldn't work it never does for me, or some other excuse?  Would the walls have come down, would they have achieved victory?  What if they lacked enthusiasm & instead of shouting they spoke in their normal voices?  Would they have achieved victory? I don't think so.  God wanted to see their obedience, their faith during the battle, & He wanted to see their passion.  Is He seeing those things from us? Can we shout before victory? It might be what we need to bring down those walls.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Walk through

There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me (1Cor. 16:9 NLT)

Back in the Old Testament the Israelites were all set to go into the Promised Land with all the rewards that God had for them but they got afraid of the giants in that land.  God had already promised them the victory but they let the opposition stop them.  Oftentimes we are just getting ready to step into our Promised Land when all of a sudden Satan sends in the opposition. Satan doesn't want us to see our Promised Land & he's going to do whatever he can to make us afraid to go in.  The closer we get the harder he will fight but God is the victory.  We have to stay in Him & follow Him through that wide-open door.  I believe that there is a wide-open door for ministry out there right now& I believe that is why Satan is fighting so hard.  We have to fight harder.  The battle takes place on our knees, being Gods hands & feet, & in Gods word.  The world is hungry for Gods message & it's looking in a lot of the wrong places.  It's up to us to go through that wide-open door & show them the narrow way.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

All you've got

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Col. 3:17 NIV)

After we have Gods vision for our life & weve been moved to action, we must do it with everything we have.  Gods not big on half-way or good enough to get by.  Continue to seek Gods will & don't be afraid to get in & work.  Thank Him for the opportunity.  There are countless opportunities for us to find what God wants us to do & if were faithful to do it He will bless the work as well as us.  Don't get up to heaven & say "man I wish I would have done more, I wish I would have told that person about Christ.  Do it today!  If you missed an opportunity as we all do sometimes, ask for another chance.  God loves & rewards willingness.  I'll say it again, be the difference!  If you do Gods work wholeheartedly, the reward will always be worth it.  The work may seem bigger than you & I hope it is because that's when God will take your efforts & abilities & multiply them infinitely.  Give God everything you've got, He loved you enough to give you everything He had!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Move me

When I heard these words, I sat down & wept & mourned for days; and I was fasting & praying before the God of heaven (Neh. 1:4 NASB)

Part 2 of vision is vision must move us to action.  Here Nehemiah was so moved by the news he had gotten that it broke his heart.  I wonder how many things really break our hearts anymore.  We might feel bad about it for a minute but did it break our hearts enough to move us to action?  We might even wish someone would do something about it but what about us?  Are we broken hearted enough to be that someone?  Do we hope the country will turn around or are we moved enough to be part of the change?  Does all of the unborn children who are "aborted" everyday move us enough to speak up?  Does the violence & drug use motivate us to help be the change?  Are we alright with the apathy & sometimes downright disdain toward Christ or do we want to help others know Him?  It's up to us!  First you must have the vision, then you must be broken hearted enough to move.

Monday, January 21, 2013

A new thing

Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it?  I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the dessert.  (Is. 43:19 NASB)

I preached on this yesterday & it's really been on my heart lately.  I really feel like God wants to do a new thing in our lives & in our country.  I think a lot of people have "settled" on the idea that our best days are behind us.  I think God is looking to do that "new thing" but we have to have a vision for it.  I don't think we're thinking & expecting big enough.  God is a big God  Who can do big things.  We have been talking about faith & now I would like to talk to you about vision.  We need to take our faith & get Gods  vision of what HE wants to do.  God can take nothing & do everything.  Expect God to move!  Ask Him for His vision for you.  Take off the limits!  Seek His vision for your life with all your heart.  Be the spark to begin the spread of Gods vision, love, & hope to everyone around you.  I want to encourage you ( & me) to be part of the "new thing".

Saturday, January 19, 2013

New creation

Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!  (2 Cor. 5:17 NIV)

If life has ever gotten where it seems out of control & you just wish you could reset or start over, there is a way.  Once we are IN Christ we are new.  The old stuff is gone.  All of that stuff from our past, all of our past failures, all of our past defeats are gone.  God removes it & replaces it with a life of restoration, hope, & victory.  That doesn't mean life is becomes part but it means we know where our victory, hope, & restoration comes from.  We know in Whom it lies, our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.  He took all of those things we did in the past & all of those things people did to us in the past & replaced it with a new purpose.  Once we turn our lives over to Christ, we are remade strong.  It doesn't happen all at once but if we allow him, He will completely renew us for His higher purpose.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Believe then speak

But we continue to preach because we have the same kind of faith the psalmist had when he said,"I believed in God, so I spoke" (2 Cor. 4:13)

I want to explain something, God is not a Pez candy dispenser where if we just proclaim it or have enough faith, He will give it to us.  It must be according to His will.  To know that we must talk with Him daily & read His word.  But as Christians far too often we are not speaking out of our mouths in agreement with the Spirit Who lives in us.  I absolutely believe great things can happen if we get our mouth, heart, & mind in agreement with the Holy Spirit.  God has a purpose for your life & He wants you to get in agreement with Him.  We're not in agreement if we are grumbling, complaining, & constantly declaring negative things over our lives & others.  Start declaring positive blessings over your life & over those around you.  You can do that because you believe in God & know He has a great plan for your life!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Down goes the giant

And David said,"The lord Who delivered me from the paw of the lion & from the paw of the bear.  He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine (1Sam. 17:37 NASB)

One of the greates stories of faith in the bible.  The entire Israelite army was afraid to face the giant but not David.  Why?  He was not the biggest, fastest, strongest, or fiercest warrior.  But he knew where his power came from.  God was all he needed.  After all God had already delivered him from the lion & the bear.  What was the big deal about a giant?  David probably couldn't figure out why the giant wasn't afraid because David knew God was much bigger than the giant.  That same God wants to fight our giants.  That same God wants to defeat our giants.  Whatever giant you're facing today, they are no match for our God.  Sickness, debt, broken relationships, fear, may be coming against you but the Most High God is fighting for you.  They are no match.  Muster up your faith & go defeat the giants!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mountain move

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them,"I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' & it would move' Nothing would be impossible." (Matt. 17:20 NLT)

My cousin wrote about this in her blog a couple of weeks ago.  Check it out at  I have to admit that would be pretty cool to tell a mountain to move & see it do it!  But the truth is we face mountains everyday& we can see them move but we have to have faith.  We need a faith workout.  We all have faith to some extent otherwise we wouldn't sit in a chair or do many of the everyday things we do.  I think the more we remove ourselves & the more we rely on God , the more our faith increases.  Keep a journal of your faith victories, you'll be amazed at how many you have each day.  This will show Gods faithfulness in the past for your victory today & in the future.  Have a bold faith, not a wimpy survival faith.  Let God do big things!  Have mountain moving faith & tell your mountain to move.  I'll be watching for them!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Christs authority

When Jesus heard this, He was amazed.  Turning to the crowd that was following Him, He said, "I tell you, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel! (Luke 7:9 NLT)

This is the story about the faith of a Roman officer.  He didn't see himself as worthy to see Christ or to have Jesus visit His home.  However, he knew the power & depth of Christs authority.  He needed healing for someone at his home & he knew that Christ had authority over sickness.  He knew he just needed a word from Christ.  A lot of times we forget Christs authority over health, finances, relationships, ALL things.  Sometimes we work so hard trying to fix & solve things when all we need is a word from God.  When we get that word, all of a sudden our finances are better, our sickness is gone, our relationships are healed.  The Roman officer knew Christs authority, do we?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hold out your hand

He looked at them angrily & was deeply saddened by their hard hearts.  Then He said to the man,"Hold out your hand.". So the man held out his hand, & it was restored (Mark 3:5 NLT)

Often times our faith requires us to do something.  Here Christ asked the man to hold out his hand.  We may be required to start back to school, begin that business, start taking steps to accomplish His purpose.  Once we show our faith God is ready to work.  For me it has been starting this blog & to let God begin the ministry.  God is quite capable of starting it on His own but sometimes He wants us to take those first steps.  Sometimes you have to stretch out your hand or step out of the boat.  Sometimes it can be scary but that's why it's called faith.  He may want you to get your feet wet first. We have a big God Who is there to catch us.  He could have asked Jesus why he needed to hold out his hand or if He was sure but instead He just followed Christs direction.  Pray, believe, step out, (hold out your hand) & let God do the rest.  He might be waiting on you.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

God is God

Being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised (Rom. 4:21 NIV)

For the next few editions of the blog I would like to discuss faith.  I think that this verse says exactly what faith is.  That God is God & He can do what He has promised.  I have to admit I believe this with all my heart but this doesn't stop me from asking sometimes " but what if this happens".  Well today I think about this verse & it gives me the answer.  If "this" happens, God is still God & He is still going to do what He's promised.  I'm not asked to fix every situation or be in control of every situation but I am asked to have faith that God will.  If I will have that faith God can move on my behalf.  He loves someone having that kind of faith & doing the impossible because then it can only be from Him.  He also loves for you to have faith in Him for the day to day because that's what begins building your faith.  So let's begin to grow  release our faith & watch God be God.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Truth

And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free (John 8:32 NASB)

God has provided freedom from Satans lies & bondage.  Satans plan is to keep us deceived but God has provided the truth.  God sent His Son & His Word as truth.  This verse is saying if you know Gods Son & Gods Word, that is the key to not being deceived.  Satan will still try & sometimes succeed but the more we KNOW Christ & KNOW His Word the more prepared we are to fight back. We are Ina battle whether we realize it or not but we have to understand God has given us weapons to use to fight this spiritual battle.  He has also already given us the victory.  So spend time getting to know God & His Word & don't allow Satan to put you back into bondage again.  God has given us what we need to be victorious over fear, lies, & Satans traps.  He has given us what we need to be victorious over our circumstances & past.  So today I encourage you to be free!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hows your heart

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him.  The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them.  People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Sam. 16:7 NLT)

Here's a scary thought, God looks at our heart.  He doesn't judge like we often do by degrees, financial statements, how many times we attend church, etc. He is interested in our heart.  When we get to heaven & even now, He doesn't want to see our papers (accomplishments), He is going to check the condition of our heart.  Do we have a humble heart that loves Him more than anything & that's willing to be used.  Our appearance, accomplishments, money, awards, etc. can never get us into heaven.  Its only a relationship with Him.  He's not interested in whether you have a seminary degree because He's the only qualification you need to share Him with others.  So tell Him you're willing to be used & ask Him to examine your heart & make it suitable for His use.  That's what He's looking for.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Your choice

Today I have given you the choice between life & death, between blessings & curses.  Now I call on heaven & earth to witness the choice you make.  O that you would choose life, so that you & your descendants might live. (Deut. 30:19 NLT)

So God has placed the choice before us.  I like the word choice because it shows we are not mindless robots that He is simply maneuvering.  Just like we have to choose healthy vs. unhealthy food choices, good vs. bad financial decisions, & on & on, we must choose whether to follow & obey God or not.  Is he our first & only or only when nothing else is going on? It was simple follow & obey God = blessings disobey= curses.  Now sometimes we know we should eat the apple but the doughnut looks so appealing.  Sometimes we know we should save money but I could buy that item now that I don't really need

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice & be glad in it (Ps. 118:24 NASB)

Satan will try to rob our joy.  He will get our focus on all the things that might happen, try to keep our focus on possible disasters of the future.  God wants us to keep our focus on today & the good things He has for us in that day.  My cousin wrote about this in her blog not too long ago about not worrying about tomorrow because each day will take care of itself.  We have enough to deal with each day we don't need to borrow from tomorrow.  This verse goes on to say besides don't worry, we should also rejoice in the day God has given us.  It's a gift!  If you're rejoicing, it's hard to worry.  Quite honestly, Satan doesn't want to be around someone rejoicing in the Lord.  He would much rather be around the complainer & grumbler.  Don't be ungrateful for Gods gift to you each day but embrace it with enthusiasm.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Spirit of power

For God did not give us a spirit of fear & timidity, but of power, love, & self discipline (2 Tim. 1:7 NLT)

Now that we're going to live a life of victory, we need to realize what does & doesn't come from God.  Fear does not come from God it is a lie from the enemy.  He is constantly bombarding us with things for us to be afraid of.  Health, finances, relationships, future, etc. .  As long as we allow him to have a voice in our ear, he will continue to throw them at us.  But what does come from God is a spirit of power, love, & self discipline.  As we talked last night, the spirit of power is from Gods power.  If you are His child, He lives inside you so you have access to His power.  I also don't believe we can love completely without knowing Gods love because it comes from Him.  Thirdly, I don't know about you but self discipline is going to have to come from God.  So learn to recognize the right voice.  Gods voice is the truth, Satans is nothing but lies.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gods victory

You are from God, little children, & have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4 NASB)

So we have torn down the fortress, focused on Gods power & His purpose for us, & now we need to live with the knowledge that Christ has given us the victory.  Satan has plans for our destruction, especially if we are coming close to or are living Gods plan for us.  He doesn't want that to happen so he tries to prevent it.  That can be a scary thought sometimes but we need to remember the victory has already occurred.  As Gods children we are to live in that victory.  God is greater than our enemy.  God wants us to live in Him & rely on Him to be the victors He has made us.  If we do that, our faith increases, we live in expectancy, & we can do things greater than we imagined.  So remember in Gods thinking we are victors & more than conquerors & Satans plans cannot stand up to Gods power.  Don't go around defeated, that's from Satan.  Get in agreement with God & be more than a conqueror!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Think bigger

Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth (Col. 3:2 NLT)

After we have kicked Satan out & broken down that fortress, trust me he will want to come back.  We just replace that area with things of above.  First of all I think that involves focusing on Gods purpose for our lives.  Each one of us who is still on planet earth has a purpose God wants to accomplish in our lives.  Find that work, find that purpose & pursue it.  God has work to accomplish through you.  If we focus on Gods work, we have less time to focus on ourselves & all of life's what ifs.  Secondly, I think this verse is asking us to focus on Gods power & not our power or a power on earth.  Gods economy is doing well, Hes not run out of mercies or healing, & there isn't a relationship He can't repair.  Our things here on earth are limited, His aren't.  So let's focus on what God can do instead of what we can do.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tearing down the fortress

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (2 Cor. 10:4 NASB)

In the next series I would like to discuss our thinking compared to Gods thinking & where our focus should be.  This verse talks about the destruction of fortresses.  Sometimes the worst fortresses we fight against are in our own minds.  Somehow over the years Satan has built up a fortress in our minds where he maintains control.  God wants control over all parts of us.  That fortress could be an addiction, fear, insecurity, the past, etc. .  It is anything we allow Satan to have access to.  However, if you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit lives in you, you have Gods word, & Jesus Christ interceding on your behalf to tear down that fortress.  So tear it down, kick Satan out, tell him he has no power here & let God control it all!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Have faith

If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire & He will deliver us out of your hand, O king (Daniel 3:17 NASB)

Step 10 is increase your faith.  There are a lot of great verses about faith in the bible but this is one of my favorite.  This story demonstrates obedience, faith in God, & Gods faithfulness to His people.  These three teenagers were told they would be thrown into a fiery furnace if they didn't bow down to the idol.  They knew their responsibility was to be obedient to God & they had enough faith to believe He was who He said He was & He could do what He said He could do.  They were obedient & left the results to God.  As humans that's often hard for us because that means we have to give up control.  We know all the bad things there are out there & sometimes our fear is bigger than our faith.  We believe God can do it but why would He do it for us.  He would and does because He loves us.  Remember, we serve the same God wo is in the bible, who was & is able to do great things, even miracles.  It's time for us to let Him out of the box, increase our faith, & watch Him work.  We can't even imagine what God can do.  Those three teenagers trusted in God no matter what.  God is always faithful to us now lets believe in our almighty God & see what He will do.

Have faith