Friday, May 31, 2013

Who am I

There Moses is sitting in the field watching the sheep. I imagine he was daydreaming about what might have been.  You see he had grown up in Pharoahs house but in the process of defending his people, killed a man & fled in fear.  Little did he know that God now had him watching sheep to prepare him to watch Gods sheep. In the middle of his daydream, God shows him a burning bush to get his attention.  I would like one of those once in a while for direction.  God told Moses to go back to Egypt to confront Pharoah.  Moses, one of the greates figures in all of Christianity, responded with "Who am I to appear before Pharoah?".  How could God use me after what I've done?  But remember, He wasn't "Moses" yet.  Just like you haven't become who God has made you to be yet.  Maybe He has planned for you to be one of the greates figures of Christianity.  However, know this, God has a great work for YOU to do.  What is your response to the work God has for you?  Is it like Moses & you're asking "Who am I, am I qualified?" Have you got people telling you why you're not qualified?  If you feel like Moses or the nay sayers are chirping in your ears, remember Gods response to Moses.  It was "I'll be with you" & "I Am has sent me." Moses had a speech problem.  What's holding you back?  What makes you feel unqualified?  One of the main characters of the bible felt unqualified.  But he remembered the Great I Am would equip him.  Because of that he went on to do great things for God.  Why can't that be you?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

What makes me qualified

A couple of years ago after much prayer, encouragement from others, & Gods leading I decided to go into ministry.  While thinking about it I kept thinking what makes me qualified to preach Gods word. I have been a Christian all of my life, a deacon at my church, youth group leader, my grandpa was a pastor, but was I qualified?  I thought I'm not a Peter or Paul, Billy Graham or any other great figure of Christianity.  Then I thought about Christ telling His disciples to follow Him & He would make them fishers of men.  What made them qualified?  They were fishermen, tax collectors, & Paul persecuted the church before going into Gods ministry.  How did that make them qualified?  Second Timothy 3:17 says "so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." So if I am called then I am adequate & equipped to do Gods work.  I believe every Christian has a ministry to do.  Every Christian has been "called to do Gods work.  We need to be about doing Gods work.  My grandpa didn't graduate from high school, didn't go to seminary, bible college, or college anywhere else.  Today he would have had a hard time getting a chance to pastor a church but God called him & equipped him to do a great ministry for years.  Today we place more emphasis on seminary degrees than Gods ability to equip someone to do ministry.  So begins the journey. I don't have a seminary degree, probably most of you don't either.  So the question is are we qualified.   We're the disciples qualified?  God has a ministry for us to do & the world needs us to do it.  If God has called you to do something don't wait for the seminary degree if thats not what God has called you to do.  Allow Him to equip you & get to work!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


So I felt like God was saying it was time for a new direction for this blog.  I feel that it still has to be Christ centered.  The challenge has been to follow Gods lead & not get caught up doing my own thing.  I have made some cosmetic changes to it (thanks to my wife) while also trying to make it easier to share.  I wanted it to be easy to share because that's how Gods word will spread.  Then it was to decide what Gods purpose was for the blog.  I feel that it is to encourage, educate, & motivate.  I'm not exactly sure where it's going to lead but God does.  I feel like God has been showing me something & Ive found out that many others are dealing with it as well.  The title of this journey is going to be -The Journey of An "Unqualified" Christian.  It will take us through many bible stories, personal stories, & story of others.  All in an effort to show how Gods word applies to us.  There will also be a promise of the week.  I encourage you to claim it, memorize it, & live it each week.  He has many promises for us if we will just claim them.  I also encourage you to feel free to send comments. One other thing I felt needed to be included is the plan of salvation.  I will put it on the blog.  I'm excited about where God is going to take us so please join me on this journey.  I believe God is going to do great things.

Monday, May 27, 2013


I'm in the process of making some changes to the blog.  I should have them done in a couple of days. Keep checking back & in the meantime remember that God loves you & He has great plans for you.  See you in a couple of days!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Speak life

Then He asked me, "Son of man, can these bones become living people again?" "O Sovereign Lord," I replied, "You alone know the answer to that." (Ez. 37:3 NLT)

Have you ever felt like dry bones?  Do you feel like your hopes have turned into dry bones?  You were once so hopeful, so excited, so fired up.  And then one day you realize that time is passing by & that your hope shave become drier & drier.  I want to take you on a trip.  I want you to visit the Valley of Dried Up Hopes & Dreams.  Picture that desire that God placed in your heart, maybe years ago & you see it lying there collecting dust.  Satan (the prince of lies) is in charge of this valley.  But it goes on to say in the next verse that God tells him to speak Gods word over those bones & they will live again.  So today I'm asking you to do the same.  Speak Gods word over those dried up hopes.  Don't declare death over them any longer, but declare life.  Declare the life that only Gods word can bring.  Bring them back to life again.  Think about whether you are speaking the life of Gods word or the death of human reasoning over Gods plan for your life.  Now revisit that valley & see that the dry bones are gone, the dusty valley is no more, & all you see is life dancing around.  God dwells there!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Keep it the same

"But some of you do not believe me." (John 6:64 NLT)

This was Christ talking to some of His "disciples" who wanted to leave Him.  Some people saw Christ & still couldn't believe.  How sad.  That shows me that you can show Christ to people but you can't make them accept Him.  The other thing it shows me is that Christ was who He was.  Even when they were thinking about leaving, He stayed the same.  He don't negotiate, try to persuade them,  or condense His word.  He gave them the opportunity to follow Him but He didn't try to force them & He didn't chase after them.  Sometimes I think we try to water down Christs message, create a new program, entertain them, etc. to get them to follow Christ.  That was not the example we were given.  Christs message is enough.  It is powerful & it changes lives.  If we start trying to change it or make it easier to handle or picking & choosing what we share, we lose it's power.  Keep the message the same.  Present it & let God do the work.  Don't be one who saw but didn't believe.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Who walks beside you

The eyesnofmthe young man were opened & he saw.  A wonder!  The whole mountainside full of horses & chariots of fire surrounding Elisha!  (2 Kings 6:17 Message)

I've been listening to a song lately that talks about the God of angel armies.  It always makes me think of this passage.  A king had sent an army after Elisha but the king didn't know that the "God of angel armies" had sent a bigger & stronger army to protect Elisha.  That same God Who did that for Elisha, will do the same for you.  He loves you that much & He's still the "God of angel armies." When problems, struggles, & circumstances are coming against you, tell them you have an army of angels to defend you.  Tell them you have a God in charge of those angels who loves you & will protect you.    How does that change your perspective & approach to your day when you know that the Most High God & His angels walk beside you?  With that knowledge, will you live defeated or empowered?  Go through your day knowing that an army of angels is ready for your defense.  Knowing that, be bold, be courageous, & do the work God has for you!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Wake Up

Wake up!  Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead.  I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God (Rev. 3:2 NLT)

I've struggled writing this for a long time.  But I feel that it's very important.  I think the time has come for us as Christians to wake up.  I think we have traded in our relationship with Christ for a less powerful, more comfortable, less life-changing form of religion.  Religion is powerless.  A relationship with Christ is not.  We need to take a look at what's going on around us & ask ourselves what are we doing to be Christs influence in the world.  Are we meeting Gods requirements?  Have we traded in showing love to others for attending church once a week?  Have we been looking at what church can do for us instead of what we can do for others?  Have we quit standing on Gods word because we think what's going on doesn't affect us or that we can't do anything about it because we're too small?  Maybe we've been silent too long.  God has higher standards than we've been following.  It's time to quit reading things thinking we wish someone would make things different.  We need to start being the change.  I heard someone ask this week, "Where's God?".  God is waiting for us to allow Him in & for us to turn back to Him.  He can be the change if we turn our hearts to Him.  So consider this your alarm clock, it's time to wake up.  We've hit the snooze alarm long enough.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fan the flame

This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you (2 Tim. 1:6 NLT)

Sometimes in life you start out with a passion (strong flame) & occasionally, the flame gets weak.  The other night I was grilling out & the flame started nice & strong.  After a few minutes the flame got weak & I had to fan it to keep it going.  Sometimes it even feels like someone comes along & pours water on it.  Tonight I want to encourage you that if your flame  is getting weak, fan it.  Don't let it go out.  Ask God to stoke that fire inside of you.  Get into Gods word.  Find you some praise music.  Get alone with God & let Him recharge you.  God put that flame inside of you & the world wants to put it out.  Remember, God has overcome the world.  God wants to use your flame to light others so it's important to keep it burning.  Your flame could be the spark that spreads Gods message to those who need it.  So fan that flame & pass it on to someone else.  We need the light!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Focus on the joy

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates & perfects our faith.  Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, disregarding it's shame.  Now He is seated in the place of honor beside Gods throne (Heb. 12:2 NLT)

Enduring the cross was tremendous pain & intended shame for the King of Kings.  Taking on all of our sin &being forsaken was a heavy load to bear.  But Christ loved us enough & knew the reward at the end & was willing to endure it.  He focused on the joy of doing His Fathers will & spending eternity with us, & the pain & suffering paled in comparison.  When we're going through pain & struggles we have to keep our focus on the joy awaiting us.  The struggles are hard. The trials are hard.  The tests are hard.  But they're all temporary.  Focus on the jou that only Christ can bring.  Christ will bring you out stronger & better off.  If you will allow Christ to work in your struggles, Christ will bring you out stronger for Him.  Focus on Christ, focus on the joy coming, not on the struggle ahead.  God will raise you again!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Approval of God

Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christs servant (Gal. 1:10 NLT)

Often we allow other well meaning people's voices interfere with Gods voice.  We don't want to let them down, we want tolerate others, or maybe were afraid of looking stupid.  It's good to seek wise counsel but ultimately we need to seek Gods voice.  I want to do ministry more than anything. I am truly seeking Gods voice.  But once again tonight I was told I had to go back to school in order to be "qualified".  If I felt like that was what Godwanted me to do, I absolutely would.  However, I believe God has qualified me & will put me where He needs me.  I am absolutely trying to become more knowledgeable about Gods word & I have some great mentors.  But I have to remember that even if the whole world is shouting something different, I have to listen to God. People will try to help you but you have to remember God gave YOU His personal plan for YOU.  The people giving advice often aren't given the plan God has for you.  Spend time listening for Gods voice.  Learn to recognize it & follow it no matter the other voices around you.

Monday, May 13, 2013

He cares for you

The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives. (Ps. 37:23 NLT)

The Lord of all creation is interested in every detail of your life.  All of the things that others either cannot or will not understand about you, He cares about.  Think about that for a minute.  Even if you feel like no one else knows what you're going through, He does.  Not only is He interested in you, your struggles, & your victories, He is directing your steps.  He is leading you through the darkness, confusion, &fear.  He knows exactly what your dealing with & He knows the way through it.  He is not a distant, far off God but He is your God & friend if you will allow Him to be.  He is never too busy, unavailable, or distracted.  He only has your best in mind.  Friends & family will sometimes let you down or not be able to be there for you but that is not the case with God.  If you need direction, let Him lead.  If you need someone to understand you & what you're dealing with, He's there.  When you don't know where to go or what to do, He does.  Follow Him.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Be ready

"Understand this: if a homeowner knew exactly when a burgular was coming, he would not permit his house to be broken into.  You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected." (Luke 12:39-40 NLT)

A lot of people like to tell you they know when Christ is coming back but they don't.  But I would like to talk about another part of this verse.  How would our lives be different if we knew when Christ  was coming back?  How would our priorities be different?  What would we do or not do if we knew Christ would be returning during that time?  What would we want Christ to find us doing when He returns?  The truth is we need to be living like He is coming back today.  Trying to explain to Christ why were doing something or not doing something might not work.  He might not understand why the ball game or other activity was more important than being in His house.  What if we put off till tomorrow talking to somebody about Christ & He returned today?  What if we put off till tomorrow making a decision for Him & He returned today?  We shouldn't live in fear of Christ returning but it should create an urgency in us.  We have a lot of work to do.  Who might miss out on an eternity with Christ if we waste a day?  Live today like He's returning today!  If you do that, you'll be prepared.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Reach the sick

When Jesus heard this, He said, "Healthy people don't need a doctor- sick people do." (Matt. 9:12 NLT)

I love the church.  I believe people need to be in church.  I attend church regularly.  My question is, is the church reaching the people were supposed to be reaching?  Is the church being effective for Christ?  As this verse says, are we reaching the people who need a doctor?  We're trying to reach the people when they come in the church doors which is great.  But what about the people who will not enter the church doors?  How are we reaching them?  We have to take Christ outside the walls of the church building.  The "church" should be us as we go out each & every day.  We have to do a better job of letting people know why they need to be in church.  We have to be the representation of Christ in our everyday lives.  We have to be different enough from the world that people want what we have.  In anything inlife, I think you always want to be more effective.  How can the church be more effective?  How can we better serve our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ?  Are we going through the motions or are we giving Christ everything we have?  Let's be what God called us to be!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Only Through God

If you're a hard worker & do a good job, you deserve your pay; we don't call your wages a gift.  But if you see that the job is too big for you, that it's something only God can do, & you trust Him to do it - you could never do it yourself  no matter how hard & long you worked- well that trusting-Him-to-do-it is what gets you set right with God, by God.  Sheer gift (Rom. 4:4-5 Message)

Two points here. One- Salvation is a free gift.  You can't do anything to earn it.  You can accept the gift or deny it but it's your choice.  God has made it available to everyone who wants to accept it.  To receive it you need to accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior & ask Him to forgive your sins.  It's that simple.  Once you have done that, the Holy Spirit will work in your life to accomplish His purpose.  The second point is we need to find something bigger than us that God wants to accomplish through us.  Don't put limits on God.  Ask Him to show you what that is.  He delights in doing "impossible" things through ordinary people so that everyone knows that it had to come from Him.  Raise your expectation level.  Have faith in God!  Quit thinking of why you can't do something & start thinking why He can!  He is the Most High God!  Allow Him to show that through you!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

God will not fail you

So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right,& trust your lives to the God who created you, for He will never fail you (1 Peter 4:19 NLT)

I realize I'm not old but I think today at least like I've never seen before, the world has tried to make it increasingly more difficult to call yourself a Christian.  It seems like just the term Christian offends a lot of people.  And I think mainly Satan has been working overtime on Christians.  It seems like a lot of Christians I've talked to lately are going through multiple struggles.  Don't get discouraged & don't give up.  God will not fail you in your struggle.  Keep on following God.  Keep standing strong in Him.  The world needs you to be the example.  We need to show love, stand on Gods word, & spread hope.  Suffering will come, but it's only temporary.  Remember, God will not fail you.  He loves you & you're His child.  He will bring you through the suffering stronger!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Looking to God

O our God, won't you stop them?  We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us.  We do not know what to do, but we are looking to You for help (2 Chr. 20:12 NLT)

I don't know about you but sometimes I feel tht way.  Kind of like there's so much going on & so much to figure out & I'm just sitting there saying "Lord, I just don't know what to do." But for me the comforting & calming part of it all is I can look to God for help.  I had kind of thought at this point in my life, my life would be a little more settled.  I'm not always the most patient & I always want to figure things out & therefore, I think God is working on me with both things.  God wants me to look to Him for help.  I think in all of the things going on around me, He's trying to get me to understand that He is more than able to deal with it all. Maybe He's telling you the same thing.  Whatever is coming against you, no matter how overwhelmed you feel, God is still God & He's more than enough.  If we will start looking to Him, He will act on our behalf.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Lift Up

Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions(1John 3:18 NLT)

AsChristians, we are to be a reflection of Christ.  To do that we have to be about the business of service & showing love to others.  People don't expect it anymore.  So if you will take time to show love to someone, you will be sharing Christ with them.  It's living your witness, not just talking about it. It shows you're sincere.  It lifts that person up.  One of my favorite movies is Pay It Forward.  What if we really did that? What if we invested ourselves in others, looked for someone else's need & how we could fill it?  That should be our priority in our day, to lift someone else up.  I'm challenging you to take one person a day & find a way to show love to them, & to lift them up & fill their need.  If nothing else, let them know that you love them & that God loves them.  So who can you lift up today? Who can you show love to?  How can you meet someone else's need? Christ met yours, now let's meet someone else's!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Your commitment

And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, & with all your soul, & with all you strength. (Deut. 6:5 NLT)

I want you to think back for a minute.  If you're already a Christian, think back to that moment that you decided to accept Him as Lord & Savior.  Where we're you?  Who was there?  Did you walk the aisle, pray by your bedside, or how did it happen?  What was the look on the people's faces there with you?  Did you hear Gods voice?  Think about the prayer you prayed.  Did you really mean He was now Lord of your life?  Think about the word Lord.  What does it mean to you?  To me it means He's in charge of everything.  Is that the case in your life?  Is He first & only or does He come in after everything else?  Is He more important than your activities, hobbies , & job?  He's supposed to be even more important than your family.  Is He?  Do you love Him with all your heart, soul, & strength?  Did you mean your commitment that day?  It's time for Christians to start living out our commitment.  It's time to truly love God with all our heart, soul, & strength.  Remember that day, remember your commitment!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bring out the God-flavors

Lemme tell you why you are here.  You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth.  If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?  You've lost your usefulness & will end up in the garbage. (Matt. 5:13 Message)

Today on a news show, I listened as someone explained why the plan B pill was good because we had to accept how society is now & that we needed to quit burying our head in the sand.  As I've said before I've not always been too good at accepting things.  That news segment brought to mind this verse & why aren't we as Christians being more flavorful.  Have we just given in?  Did God tell us that our job was over & we can attend church once a week, say the right phrases, & there's nothing else we can do?  Did God say He can't fix it & just go along with things that go against His word?  No, He hasn't!  He's asking us to be salty!  He's asking us to be reaching & serving others.  He's calling us to add flavor, to be different.  We're not supposed to be the same as everyone else.  He's wanting us to represent Him, show love, stand on His word,take up our cross & follow Him!  Make a difference!  If you're not, someone who needs to , is not seeing God.  Be useful, do what God has called YOU to do.  Now is not the time to follow things that go aginst Gods word just because that's how society is.  Let them know there isa better way.  We don't have to settle for plan B when we have Gods plan.  Now is the time to bring out the God-flavors!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pray together

But we will devote ourselves to prayer & to the ministry of the word (Acts 6:4 NASB)

National Dayof Prayer.  I spent time talking to God today & I spent time listening.  One thing that is so great about National Day of Prayer is Christians praying together.  I think now like never before, we as Christians need to be paring together.  We need to be praying for revival, our leadership, forgiveness, courage, & situations in the world.  Pray for our kids that they will be strong & follow Christ.  Pray that we represent Christ.  As we pray, the Holy Spirit will move us to action.  Really talk to God & really listen.  Pray for Him to open an opportunity for ministry for you. Ask Him ow you can make a difference.  I hope you took time to talk to God & I hope you do it daily.  Find a prayer partner to pray in agreement with God with.  Pray together for the things I listed above & spread this challenge to pray together to other Christians.  If we can come together as Christians & really pray together, I believe there will be a great movement from God!  Find someone, pray with me, pray for God to move & let today be the beginning of something big!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Matt. 22:39 NLT)

After love the Lord your God with all your heart, this is the second greatest commandment.  I've been thinking about this today.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  Then you listen to the news reports of people blowing people up.  Sanctity of life for unborn children has been traded in for the morning after pill & abortion.  Handshakes have been given up in favor of flipping someone off.  The elderly have been pushed off to the side.  Instead of "paying it forward" it's "look out for yourself." Now I don't think that is everywhere &I do think we can turn it around but I think the time is now.  We've lost sight of the two most important commandments for too long.  When they again become priorities in our lives, change for the good will happen.  What can you do today to show someone that love that might even inspire them to pass it on?  Who can you stand up for, encourage, & lift up?  You can be the spark to start the change.  You can show love to someone.  You might be just who someone needs today!