Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Leave your worries with me

Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you (1Peter 5:7 NASB)

Lately, I've talked to a lot of people losing their jobs, dealing with sickness, having relationship problems etc. .  I've had my own experiences going on as well.  When I've tried to deal with things on my own, I've been frustrated, tired, & defeated.  When I take them to God & leave them there & trust Him, it's like a huge weight being taken away.  He wants you to bring them to Him.  He wants to take your worries & your fears. He loves you that much.  He will not leave you, He's just waiting on you to allow Him to take care of them for you.  He also didn't say only to give Ho some of your worries.  He wants them all. He wants to show you He's working in your life so you can share that with others. Don't hold on to the problems, worries, doubts, & fears.  Leave them at His feet.  He loves you more than a parent loves their kids.  We want our kids to allow us to help & He wants to do the same for us.

1 comment:

  1. I love this and it is so is powerful and so true. Just this morning in the shower I thought of and began singing "He will take care of you", then I come and read this!!! Not a coincidence....it is a God Thing!!! :)
