Monday, March 18, 2013

Be the influence

This is how the Lord responds:  "If you return to Me , I will restore you so you can continue to serve me.  If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman.  You must influence them; don't let them influence you!  (Jer. 15:19 NLT)

Jeremiah here has been complaining to God.  He has been telling God that he has suffered for Him, tried to do what was right, that he didn't understand where God was & why He wasn't helping.  Does anybody feel like that sometimes.  Sometimes we don't understand things, sometimes we do get frustrated.  Those times when we feel that way are the times when we need to lay ourselves at Christs feet & allow Him to restore us.  Allow Him to strengthen us so we can be used for His glory.  We also need to realize the power of our words.  We need to choose "good words rather than worthless ones." Worthless ones would be complaining, gossiping, tearing down (both ourselves & others), etc..  Good ones would be encouraging, building others up, etc..  Too often we allow the world to discourage us & force us to lose focus.  Here God is telling us to be the change in the world.  Letting them know that regardless of the circumstances, God loves us & takes care of us.  As Christians, we need to stand up & be the difference!  We have the hope the world needs & we need to be sharing it!

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