Monday, June 17, 2013


Where to start in the growth process?  I think back as I started into ministry & what God had to work on me first because there was & is a long list.  I think for me the "starting" point was courage.  I needed the courage to do something I knew I couldn't.  My grandpa was a minister not me. But as Acts 27:25 says "Therefore, keep up your courage, men, for I believe God that it wil turn out exactly as I've been told." Here Paul was talking about a ship that he was on but was getting ready to crash.  Paul had reason to be afraid & question Gods plan but his response was "keep up your courage".  I think today being a Christian, Paul would tell us to keep up our courage.  When you're already questioning "Am I qualified" , you have to have courage to begin that journey.  So you start that journey & you think you're doing what God wants you to do so now it's smooth sailing.  Oh, but you forgot, the growth process.  So struggles & tests come & once again you need courage.  God is looking for people to stand up & courageously follow Him.  Courage is not that you aren't ever afraid but it's trusting God enough to move on in spite of that fear.  I believe courage comes from facing trials & struggles with God & seeing how God moves on your behalf.  It reminds me of the song "Mighty To Save" .  I believe that's courage.  Knowing that we have a God Who loves us enough & is mighty enough to save us when we can't.  Knowing that makes it easier to have courage.

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