Now Stephen, a man full of Gods grace & power, did great wonders & miraculous signs among the people. (Acts 6:8 NIV)
Stephen couldn't have done a thing on his own. He didn't have any superpowers, any magical abilities, or even the highest education. However, what he did have was Gods grace & power living inside him. He could do "great wonders & miraculous signs" because of Who lived in him. Now having said that, he didn't have anything that is not available to all of us. As a child of God, you have Him living inside of you, that means His power lives inside of you. Our problem is that too often we either try to go it on our own, or we forget the power that God has made available to us. As we head into the new year, we need people who are full of a Gods grace & power. We need people who will use that power. We need people who will seek God & ask for His power to move through them. We can't do anything on our own, but we can do great & miraculous things if we allow Him to work through us. Stephen had access to Gods power because he sought God first. God was the most important thing in Stephens life. It's time that we put Christ first in our lives as well. If we will, I believe we will see Him move in new & great ways. Do you believe God can use you to do great things like that?
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