Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. (2 Cor. 3:5 NIV)
Has God ever asked you to do something that you thought was just too big for you? You thought there was no way that you could ever do that. Here is the message for today. Quit relying on you. Without God, we cant do anything. With God, we can do all things. People will tell you that you cant possibly do that, youre just dreaming. They might even laugh at you for suggesting that you could do something that big. They would be right if we were relying on our own power. But as Christians we rely on God to give us the ability. His power has no limits. If God moves through us there is nothing that we are not equipped to do. If God has placed something on your heart to do, don't let anyone discourage you from that. If they try to tell you that you cant, tell them its alright, God can. It all comes from God anyway. God gives you things to do that are bigger than you so that you will rely on Him. So if you start feeling like youre too weak, small or inadequate to do something remember its not from you, its from God.
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