Thursday, February 13, 2014


This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life.  Its adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next Papa?" (Rom. 8:15 Message)

This was the perfect verse for me today.  There are times in life when you just cant wait to tell your mom or dad something because you know as a child they can take care of it.  As you get older, you often cant wait to tell your spouse about something because youre looking for support.  I even now find myself wishing I still had my grandparents to ask something & learn from their wisdom.  In ministry, I often wish I has my grandpa, (a pastor) to ask Him how he handled certain things.  I will also admit that this week I have been feeling kind of beaten down.  But this verse says we shouldn't be timid as Christians but that we should be expectant.  The reason we can do so is because we can still run to our Father (papa), climb up in His lap & watch with child-like faith as He gladly helps us.  Even though I no longer have my grandpa to ask those questions to, I can go to anytime, anywhere.  If you don't know that relationship with Almighty God, I want to encourage you to take care of that today.  There is no greater comfort than His loving arms.  So if youre tired & lifes battles seem to be beating you down, know that your Heavenly Father is there with arms open to strengthen you & fight those battles for you.

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