Monday, February 10, 2014

Open Door

I know your deeds.  See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.  I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word & have not denied my name. (Rev. 3:8 NIV)

Think about open doors & closed doors for a second.  Closed doors often seem like a terrible thing to us because it often represents a "no" to something.  But think about a closed door to your home.  Often that door is closed for your protection.  But here God says He has placed an open door before the people & this door no one can shut.  That means that as hard as people may try to stop Gods work or whatever obstacles & forces come against it, nothing is capable of shutting a door that Christ has opened.  I believe God has placed before us an open door. Im praying for it everyday.  Sometimes it feels like there are strong forces trying to push it closed on us, but Gods word promises that they are not strong enough.  Take advantage of the open door, let God hold it open against the opposition & just keep sharing it.  As I think about my journey through ministry, my desire is to work full time in ministry, & I know that God has placed that open door before me to do just that if I will keep His word & keep sharing Him.  So your strength might be shrinking & you might be getting tired but Im encouraging you to get that second wind & allow God to take care of the door.

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