Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Heart for Gods Word

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. (Ps. 119:11 NIV)

This is so important today.  In today's society we can get Gods word in so many forms.  We can get different translations, we can get it on CD, on our phone & calendars just to name a few.  What a blessing, because not everyone has that availability to Gods holy word. Just because we have that today does not always mean that that will be the case.  Or it could be that we don't have one with us when we need it.  The key is to hide it in your heart that way it's always there & no one can take it from you.  Also if you spend enough time to hide it in your heart, it will take over your life.  When you're going through something difficult, god will bring His word to your mind.  When you need guidance in something, again Gods word will be there to give you that guidance.  Knowing Gods word & committing it to your life is one of the most important things you can do in your life.  So I very much encourage you to spend time in Gods word today & everyday, even if it's just reading this blog.  Ask God to reveal His word to you & meditate on it all during the day.  It's time well spent.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today is the Day

This is the day The Lord has made; let us rejoice & be glad in it. (Ps. 118:24 NIV)

Today has you read this, it is probably a pretty normal day.  Maybe you are getting ready for work, school, running errands, getting the kids to school, or numerous other activities.  Maybe you are in a hurry & running late & you think you'll find time for God later.  After all there's important stuff that has to get done now.  You check the news while you are getting ready & just more discouraging news.  You think "I wish someone would do something to make things better".  I want to challenge you today that I think that person is you.  That's right if you're reading this, I think you are to he part of the soloution.  How far must we get off course before we start standing up & being the difference? Are we guaranteed tomorrow?  Are we guaranteed that our freedoms will be here tomorrow?  We have relied on political parties, politicians, & other people who we're going to get us back on the right course.  Somehow I don't think they have succeeded.  It's up to us, the Christian people.  I believe we are at a crossroads.  Are we going to look at our kids & tell them we couldn't stand when we were needed to.  Are we going to say it was someone else's responsibility?  Are we going to tell them about how big our God is but this problem was just too big?  We have to lead by example.  We need to be on our knees in prayer.  We need to be leading our families in bible study.  We need to be out meeting the needs of others.  Are we going to put it off another day?  We're needed now.  Today is the day.  So as you go out today, what are you going to do to be the difference.  Quit relying on someone else.  God made this day for us to do the work, be the difference, live victoriously, & rejoice in this gift.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Don't be timid

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, & of self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV)

So tonight I just got back from a meeting about how to improve the school.  I was thankful to be able to attend & for a chance for people to have their voice heard. In today's society that is discouraged oftentimes because you're not supposed to disagree with those in a position of power.  In our small group was the father of a student who had committed suicide.  As I sit & try to put myself in his position I just can't because there is no way to understand how that must feel.  As I watched him express his concern, fight for his son, & try to keep that from happening to someone else's child it gave me a thought.  Christians have become a timid people & we need to be standing for the things God calls each of us to do.  We need to stand even if we're the only one.  The time for timidity has long past.  But it goes on to say we need to have a spirit of power, love, & self-discipline.  We can stand in the power of Almighty God, while doing it in love. The love we should have for people should make us want to stand for those who can't, to stand for Gods word, & for our voices to be heard.  If we let timidity take us over, we could very well wait to stand till it's too late.  This dad tonight was fighting against bullying for his son who is already gone, other parents were fighting for their kids who are still here.  Maybe it was a wake up call for all of us & I believe we as Christians have been receiving one as well.  It's time to overcome our timidity & take a stand before it's too late.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Keep Going

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders & the sin that so easily entangles, & let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (Heb. 12:1NIV)

Today was a neat experience for me.  I had gotten a call earlier this week to speak at the last church my grandpa was pastor at.  I hadn't been in that church in years.  It's a small church with some great people at it who like many churches are struggling with low numbers right now.  As I walked in I met people who were there when my grandpa was, I saw the pastors study, & stood behind the same pulpit my grandpa had, delivering Gods message.  As I spoke, I paused a couple of times & smiled as I thought back to many years ago when my grandpa had been in that spot.  As I thought about that, I thought about this verse.  I thought about him & my grandma in that great cloud of witnesses smiling & cheering me to keep going.  That was my message to this church & all "small" churches out there, keep going.  It's hard & it can be a struggle & discouraging sometimes but we have a great message to tell the world.  We have a big God who can work with just a few faithful people.  The world needs the message we have & those who have gone on before us are cheering us on.  They were faithful to the work God gave them & now it's our turn.  We need to be faithful to do that work for those who come after us. So today was a neat day & an encouraging day.  Today I want to encourage you that no matter how small or insignificant that you might feel, keep going.  Listen to that "great cloud of witnesses" and stay faithful to the work God has given you to do.  I might not have had anyone to preach to today if my grandparents had not been faithful to their work.  I hope someday

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Use Me

Then I heard the voice of The Lord saying, "Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?"  And I said, "Here am I, send me !" (Is. 6:8 NIV)

If you were asked that today what would your response be?  If  you were in the presence of God & He was asking that question, would you say send me?  Or would you scoot back to the back, hoping God found someone else first?  Would you say "well I'm not really qualified"?  Well the thing is is that He is asking you that question.  He is looking for people who will do His work.  It might be speaking to that relative or neighbor who needs to know Jesus Christ.  It might be standing up for someone who can't stand up for themselves.  It might be helping someone who needs a helping hand. Can you be that person?  As I'm writing this I am listening to talk about taking "God" out of an oath at a military academy, stories about bullying, and other disturbing news.  There is a work for each one of us to be doing.  Growing up I know I had a lot of people who answered that question with "Send me!"  Now it's our turn to answer that question the same way.  Our kids, families, churches, & most of all God are looking to us to step up.  We can keep standing on the sidelines as slowly but surely the world gets farther away from God & the things that we thought we would never see become commonplace or we can say "send me!"  Use me!" Not the person beside me but me.  Hopefully they will be saying the same thing & we as Christians can be that influence that we have been called to be.  Question for the day is can God use you!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

No footholds

And do not give the devil a foothold (Eph. 4:27 NIV)

Too often we do that in life.  The verse before this talks about not going to bed angry.  I have to admit that I've done that a couple of times.  What we forget is that the one were really hurting is ourselves. As a parent I sometimes see things that could be harmful & be pitfalls for my kids & so Itry to warn them. Not because I'm trying to make more rules, take away fun, or for any other reason than I love them & want the best for them.  God does that with us. He can see things ahead of us that can harm us & He wants to give us a heads up.  Besides unhappiness, health issues, & broken relationships, giving the devil a foothold causes us to be ineffective for Christ. It can harm our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.  It might be anger, unforgiveness, habit, addiction, fear, or anything that gives Satan a way into our life.  It might even be pride. That's why it's important to examine your life daily & give anything holding you back over to God.  Let Him fight your battles. Let Him restore.  Today, it's time to boot Satan out & get rid of any possible footholds he might have in our lives.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Love Each Other

The thing that sets Christians apart is love.  Not that others can't love but they can't show the kind of love that comes from Jesus Christ.  Today the world is in desperate need of love.  There is fighting in every part of the world, hateful words being spoken to anyone who disagrees, with someone, & kids committing suicide because they are being bullied.  If we want to make a change, if we want to show people Christ instead of religion, we need to show Christs love.  His love allows us to love people who might be hard to love.  His love will help us reach out or down to someone in need.  His love will show us someone who is hopeless who just needs a touch of Gods love.  You see there is a hurting world out there, there are people who are proud of hurting others, and all of those people need Christians to step up & show Christs love.  Christ loves us even at our most unloveable.  He loved us even before we were & if were Gods children & were to love as He loves us, we need to look for people needing that love.  We need to find those hurting kids.  We need to look for someone who we can encourage & lift up.  If we will show Christs love, people will see the way to a relationship with a loving Savior.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came & sowed weeds among the wheat, & went away. (Mt. 13:26 NIV)

I was reading this passage & one word stuck out to me.  It was sleeping.  While Christians were sleeping, Satan come along & planted weeds.  Christians were sleeping & silent which gave Satan the opportunity to distort truth & tell lies.  As Christians were sleeping & not speaking up people didn't hear the truth & the weeds started taking over.  Now if you have ever weeded a garden or flower bed, you know it takes a lot of work.  It doesn't get done by sleeping.  Even once the garden is weeded, it takes dedication to keeping it that way.  It's time to wake up!  There is much work to be done!  We have a large garden with a lot of weeds & it can only be done by Christians banding together, waking up & doing the work.  The reward is great.  We must stand.  Nap time is over.  Weeds will choke out the wheat if allowed to & they multiply fast & it's up to the Christian people to not allow that to happen.  Gods word is strong & powerful.  His Spirit can't be stopped.  We have powerful tools & we need to use them in order to take care of the garden.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's Your Choice

But if serving The Lord seems undesirable to you then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve , whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.  But as for me & my household, we will serve The Lord. (Joshua 24:15 NIV)

I have come to realize this week that there are a group of phrases that really bother me. They include but are not limited to: "there's nothing we can do about it", "it's that way everywhere", "everybody does it or feels that way".  I have come to a better understanding of this verse this week.  Not really a different understanding, but a better understanding.  We are called to make a choice, Not based on what anyone else (not even necessarily the majority) thinks or is doing but on Gods word.  Even if it is going on "everywhere" else, if it is wrong then we shouldn't be allowing it to go on with us.  We have become too accepting to things that are wrong & things against Gods word.  It's alright to take a stand & speak up. It's alright to say that's not right & it shouldn't be going on here.  It's alright to say as for me & my household were going to stand with God & His word.
    Joshua was saying that regardless of what anyone else was going to do, his decision had already been made.  We need to be saying the same thing.  Late night talk show hosts might use Christians as their joke material, media might try to marginalize Christians, & society might tell us we are to close minded but that shouldn't change our choice we've already made.
     If there is going to be a difference made, we need to stand up & speak up.  Out of love for everyone, we need to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves.  We need to share Christs love with those who feel unloved.  We need to make our choice.  The choice is not a hard one.  The reward of the right choice is eternal.  And the power that comes from our Lord & Savior can change lives, & hopeless situations.  The choice is up to you.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Alone With God

Jesus withdrew with His disciples to the lake, & a large crowd from Galilee followed (Mk. 3:7 NIV)

Every once in a while, you just need to get away & get with God.  Sometimes you just need to enter into Gods presence & it just be you & Christ.  I kind of felt that way today.  Someone that my daughter went to school with committed suicide today because he had been bullied.  I've been thinking all day about him feeling that alone & hopeless.  No one should ever feel that way.  I had already been thinking about the mess that our country seems to be in.  It just seemed to he waves of discouraging news today.  I don't think I've ever seen people act towards each other like I've seen lately.  Today it was time to just get alone with God.  Today it was time to sit at His feet & say I don't understand.  There are days like that & Christ just sits & holds us, giving us the encouragement to get up & go again.  Remember, our hope is in Christ & it's up to us to share that hope.  Sometimes, we just need to get alone with God & recharge.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Be on your guard: stand firm in the faith: be men of courage: be strong. Do everything in love (1 Cor. 16:13 NIV)

Today as much as anytime in our history, we need men & women of courage l. People not concerned with polls, or what the popular thing of the day is. People who stand on there convictions. Lately it seems right or wrong is based on public opron. That compass has not gotten us into a good spot. How about men with the courage to stand on God's word. Strong people of courage is whats needed to turn things around. God will work if people of courage will stand. Be strong & courageous l, stand firm, and do it in love. Even when others are acting in anything but love, we as Christians are called to always come from love. That will not always be easy but that is the part of courage

Monday, October 14, 2013

Spread the Message

Finally brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly & be honored, just as it was with you. (2Thess. 3:1 NIV)

Alright, it's confession time.  When I started this blog, I did so because I had a great concern that people didn't know Gods message.  I had a frat concern for people today needing that message. In the midst of all the fighting & violence, people need to know the God of love & peace.  In a world of hopefulness, people need to know that Christ is our hope. But I saw kids growing up who didn't know my God.  They didn't know the stories of the bible & that they appliesd to them.  I hope today to encourage, teach the bible stories, & remind people that Gods word is for them.  Please pray that Christs message spreads & I pray that you come to understand Christs love for you.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful & thankful. (Col.4:2 NIV)

Today I want to encourage everyone to pray.  Pray for your country, pray for your family, your church & each other.  Pray for revival.  It's time for all Christians to devote ourselves to prayer.  God wants to hear from us.  Prayer must precede change.  Think what God can accomplish if His people will humble themselves & pray.  When you pray , expect God to act.  Don't pray faithless prayers.   Thank Him before you receive the answer & thank Him when He moves.  Today I'm asking Christians to get serious about prayer .  We can make a difference.  Please share with other Christians because we must pray together.  Pray big.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Come Back

So we are Christs ambassadors!  God is making His appeal through us.  We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God!" (2 Cor. 5:21 NLT)

Take a look at what's going on in the news today.  Talk to people you come in contact with.  A lot of the news & conversations are not going to be about good news.  I keep hearing about the "religious right" & how we are now in the minority, & how we need to accept what the rest of society tells us is accessible.  We need to listen to the polls to tell us what's right & wrong, acceptable & unacceptable.  Check out what's going on & tell me how that's working for us.  Maybe instead, it's time we as Christians start being those ambassadors & start spreading the message of "come back to God!" If you want to turn things around, you don't keep going in the same direction.  We're supposed to be Christs ambassadors, spreading His message.  By word & by action, it's time to start spreading that message.

Monday, October 7, 2013

A little less me

He must become greater & greater, & I must become less & less. (John 3:30 NLT)

I listened to a song today from Chris August that reminded me of this verse.  It talked about a little more Jesus & a little less me.  What a great thought.  It seems like I have a lot going on this week & usually when I do, I start thinking about how "I" am going to get it all done & am "I" going to do a good job.  It was good to have a reminder today that I need to get out of the way & let Christ work.  He's going to do a much better job at it than I ever will anyway.  If I let Him be in control, He can do far greater things than I am able to do.  The other thing is when I get busy & caught up in what I need to get done, it leaves very little room for what God wants to do & what He wants me to do.  So I guess what they say about less is more is true in this case because less me is more Christ & that is better for everyone.  So today, take a step back, take a deep breath & ask God to take control & do what He wants to do.  If you will you can relax a little & follow the One who knows what is best for you.  That a win win.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

What's the difference

Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins & turned to God (Matt. 3:8 NLT)

When you make the choice to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior, there needs to be more than just words that you speak.  As a Christian, there should be a change in your life.  You do not suddenly become perfect & life does not suddenly become perfect.  What should happen though is your life should become Christ centered.  Your life should be more about Him & less about you.  You should be slow to anger & quick to forgive.  You should look for ways to serve others.  You should seek to know Christ above all else.  Your life isn't about doing a bunch of works but you do the work because of your love for Christ.  You begin to trust in God & not in your own ability.  As you do this, He makes your crooked places straight, working out the impossible, & making a way where there is no way.  The change in your life should be daily as we grow in our relationship with Christ.  So today, has your life changed since coming to know Christ.  Can others tell?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Teach the kids

Direct your children onto the right path, & when they are older, they will not leave it. (Pr. 22:6 NLT)

This has been on my heart a lot lately.  Who is training the children & what are they being shown.  A lot of people want to talk about the "youth" & the direction that their headed & how they're not interested in church & Christ.  Well my question is what are the adults doing to help them to have that desire.  Are the adults showing them how Gods word applies to them?  Are we giving lip service but not actions?  Are we putting the time in with our kids & teaching them about Gods love & His word? Maybe we know a kid who doesn't have anyone to teach them & maybe we could be that person.  Or maybe you have a position in which you work with kids & are you taking the time to show an interest in them.  If we as Christian adults won't take the time to teach, demonstrate, & show interest, someone else will & they might not be teaching them the right things.  They want you to be involved with them.  They want to be shown the right path.  We need to start taking advantage of our opportunities & being the influence to them that God has asked us to be.  his word promises if we will, they won't depart from it.  If we want them to be different, it's up to us to show them the way.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Strong enough

No in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Rom. 8:37 NIV)

How many of you feel like a conqueror or more than a conqueror today?  If you're Gods child, He says you are.  He says that through Him, He has made you strong enough to overcome those obstacles in front of you.  He says that nothing in your day is too big for you & Him to handle.  Don't go through the day discouraged & defeated, walk in life as a child of the Most High God.  Know that He is walking with you. Know those things you think you can't accomplish , that God & you together can.  You do your part & let Him do the rest.  If you're a parent, you know that you would anything in your power to help your child, & God is better at it than we are.  Know today you are loved & you are well able.  Remember the last part of the verse, "through Him who loved us".  Your obstacles won't know what hit them when you & God fight them together.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Not Ashamed

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ.  It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes- the Jew first & also the Gentile (Rom. 1:16 NLT)

For a long time we (Christians) have been quiet & haven't been sharing the Good News like we're supposed to.  The world needs some good news today.  It's time to find a neighbor, family member, co-worker, etc., who needs the Good News & share it with them.  Find someone who needs hope & share the hope of the Good News.  Share the Good News with them by living it.  Words mean very little if your life is not backing up your words.  You can share it by serving, forgiving, loving, & speaking.  The world is looking for hope & peace & Gods word offers both of those things.  The world needs healing, love, & forgiveness.  Gods word offers that.  The world needs guidance, direction, & a spiritual compass.  Gods word offers that.  The world doesn't know it if we don't share it.  Who can you share it with today?