Monday, October 21, 2013

Love Each Other

The thing that sets Christians apart is love.  Not that others can't love but they can't show the kind of love that comes from Jesus Christ.  Today the world is in desperate need of love.  There is fighting in every part of the world, hateful words being spoken to anyone who disagrees, with someone, & kids committing suicide because they are being bullied.  If we want to make a change, if we want to show people Christ instead of religion, we need to show Christs love.  His love allows us to love people who might be hard to love.  His love will help us reach out or down to someone in need.  His love will show us someone who is hopeless who just needs a touch of Gods love.  You see there is a hurting world out there, there are people who are proud of hurting others, and all of those people need Christians to step up & show Christs love.  Christ loves us even at our most unloveable.  He loved us even before we were & if were Gods children & were to love as He loves us, we need to look for people needing that love.  We need to find those hurting kids.  We need to look for someone who we can encourage & lift up.  If we will show Christs love, people will see the way to a relationship with a loving Savior.

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