Monday, October 28, 2013

Don't be timid

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, & of self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV)

So tonight I just got back from a meeting about how to improve the school.  I was thankful to be able to attend & for a chance for people to have their voice heard. In today's society that is discouraged oftentimes because you're not supposed to disagree with those in a position of power.  In our small group was the father of a student who had committed suicide.  As I sit & try to put myself in his position I just can't because there is no way to understand how that must feel.  As I watched him express his concern, fight for his son, & try to keep that from happening to someone else's child it gave me a thought.  Christians have become a timid people & we need to be standing for the things God calls each of us to do.  We need to stand even if we're the only one.  The time for timidity has long past.  But it goes on to say we need to have a spirit of power, love, & self-discipline.  We can stand in the power of Almighty God, while doing it in love. The love we should have for people should make us want to stand for those who can't, to stand for Gods word, & for our voices to be heard.  If we let timidity take us over, we could very well wait to stand till it's too late.  This dad tonight was fighting against bullying for his son who is already gone, other parents were fighting for their kids who are still here.  Maybe it was a wake up call for all of us & I believe we as Christians have been receiving one as well.  It's time to overcome our timidity & take a stand before it's too late.

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