Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Open Door

There is a wide open door for a great work here, although many oppose me (1 Cor. 16:9 NLT)

I have talked to a lot of people lately talking about hopelessness, dropping church attendance, constant flow of bad news, etc. . I have to admit there is a lot of opposition out there to church & Christianity but I also believe as this verse says, that there is a wide open door for us to work.  We need to walk through that open door & get to work.  Right now the world needs hope, peace, joy, love, healing, & Christ like never before.  We have a great message to share & we need to be sharing it.  If you're missing that hope, peace, or one of the others on the list, Christ is your answer.  He can fill that need.  So today please don't focus on the opposition but instead focus on that open door & the work that God is going to do.

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