Monday, September 2, 2013

Taking inventory

Once in a while, I think you have to slow down & take inventory of your life.  It seems like anymore that life is moving at such blazing speed that we just don't have time to sit down & do it.  Today, Psalm 139:23 &24 came to mind.  It says, "Search me, O God, & know my heart; test me & know my anxious thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, & lead me along the path of everlasting life." Sometimes we're so caught up in everything we think we have to do, we have going on, & our needs, that we can't see what is in our life that displeases God.  We might even think we're doing pretty good but God wants our best.  It might even be something that we think is not too bad or hurting anyone & we don't really want to give it up.  That thinking keeps us from Gods best.  I want Gods best!  I want for Him to show me what is keeping me from that.  I want to know what is holding back the flood of His goodness, blessings, favor, & what is Keeping Him from working fully in My life.  Fear, unforgiveness, anything that I am doing or not doing that is causing me to offend my God, Who I love, has no place in my life.  I believe God wants us to get rid of the excess baggage in order for Him to fully pour out His blessings on us.  It can be a scary prayer but I believe it's the key to a true relationship with Christ & His true power working in us.

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