Thursday, January 10, 2013

Your choice

Today I have given you the choice between life & death, between blessings & curses.  Now I call on heaven & earth to witness the choice you make.  O that you would choose life, so that you & your descendants might live. (Deut. 30:19 NLT)

So God has placed the choice before us.  I like the word choice because it shows we are not mindless robots that He is simply maneuvering.  Just like we have to choose healthy vs. unhealthy food choices, good vs. bad financial decisions, & on & on, we must choose whether to follow & obey God or not.  Is he our first & only or only when nothing else is going on? It was simple follow & obey God = blessings disobey= curses.  Now sometimes we know we should eat the apple but the doughnut looks so appealing.  Sometimes we know we should save money but I could buy that item now that I don't really need

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