Saturday, January 4, 2014

What change

If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie & do not live by the truth.  (1 John 1: 6 NIV)

No more straddling the fence, having your cake & eating it too, or playing both sides. When you make a decision for Christ, there should be a difference in your life.  There should be a change.  It should change your heart which in turn should reflect in your actions. You see it's not doing it because you have to, it's doing it because you want to.  You want to be more like Him. He's your Lord & Savior so you want to please Him.  You want to know Him more.  If you have truly made Christ your Lord & Savior, you cannot stay the same.  He will change you.  He frowns upon lukewarm.  He doesn't want you to stay on baby food.  He wants you to be everything He created you to be.  So I ask you has He made a change in your life?  Can others see a difference?  Do they want what you have? Ask Him to change you.  Ask Him to make you more like Him.  He will do things through you that you cannot even imagine.  Gigot in Gods word.  Get active in a church &/or bible study.  Spend time in prayer. Surrender yourself to Christ.  Live the truth.

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