Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christs Authority

Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go!  It will be done just as you believed it would." And his servant was healed at that very hour.  (Matt. 8:13 NIV)

In this passage the Roman centurion had a servant who was paralyzed & suffering.  He went to the one person who he knew could help his servant. Christ agreed to go to his house & heal him but the centurion realized something very important.  He realized Christs authority. He knew all Christ had to do was say the word & it was done.  I think that is something we as Christians need to realize today.  Christs authority lives in us if we have made Him our Lord & Savior.  There is no need for us to walk around weak & defeated.  If Christs authority can heal the centurions servant, just by a word, we have that same power available to us.  Our problem is we fail to use it.  We allow Satan, who has already been defeated, to convince us that we are weak, defeated, or that God wouldn't help us.  The centurion didn't doubt.  He asked & believed in Christs authority.  Christ told him he hadn't seen that great of faith in all of Israel.  That's the kind of faith we need today. Ask, believe, & don't doubt.  Use the power that Christ has made available to us.

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