Thursday, May 30, 2013

What makes me qualified

A couple of years ago after much prayer, encouragement from others, & Gods leading I decided to go into ministry.  While thinking about it I kept thinking what makes me qualified to preach Gods word. I have been a Christian all of my life, a deacon at my church, youth group leader, my grandpa was a pastor, but was I qualified?  I thought I'm not a Peter or Paul, Billy Graham or any other great figure of Christianity.  Then I thought about Christ telling His disciples to follow Him & He would make them fishers of men.  What made them qualified?  They were fishermen, tax collectors, & Paul persecuted the church before going into Gods ministry.  How did that make them qualified?  Second Timothy 3:17 says "so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." So if I am called then I am adequate & equipped to do Gods work.  I believe every Christian has a ministry to do.  Every Christian has been "called to do Gods work.  We need to be about doing Gods work.  My grandpa didn't graduate from high school, didn't go to seminary, bible college, or college anywhere else.  Today he would have had a hard time getting a chance to pastor a church but God called him & equipped him to do a great ministry for years.  Today we place more emphasis on seminary degrees than Gods ability to equip someone to do ministry.  So begins the journey. I don't have a seminary degree, probably most of you don't either.  So the question is are we qualified.   We're the disciples qualified?  God has a ministry for us to do & the world needs us to do it.  If God has called you to do something don't wait for the seminary degree if thats not what God has called you to do.  Allow Him to equip you & get to work!

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