Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Find Rest

Come to Me, all you who are weary & burdened, & I will give you rest (Mt. 11:28 NIV)

Anybody in need of rest? I know sometimes I feel like I'm stuck on the merry-go-round & can't get off.  It's just race from here to there, fight this problem then that problem, jobs, kids activities, & how do we keep up.  Then there's church activities, & other activities that others deem as important for us to do.  Where does it stop?  I would like to say that even Jesus took time to get away from the work & the crowds & get with His Father. He needed it & we need it so that we can get recharged to be effective in our life for Christ.  The other cool thing is that if you are feeling burdened,you can go to Him leave that burden there & lighten your load. Or maybe the battle you're going through has been a long hard fight & you just need that refreshment that only Christ can bring. Go to Him, leave the burden there, get rest, & come back ready to do His work again. It's alright to feel tired sometimes, just don't give up.  Before you do that seek Christ for refreshment & restoration

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