Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Believe

One of my favorite parts of "The Polar Express" is when the little boy says "I believe".  He had lost his belief in Santa but through a set of circumstances he again believed in Santa.  I would like to say that there is a huge difference between Santa & my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.  Christ asks us to have child like faith.  I've been spending a lot of time thinking about that lately.  Today's verse is Genesis 15:6 NLT.  It says, "And Abraham believed The Lord, & The Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith".  The part I've been thinking about is "believed The Lord".  Too often we believe our circumstances, other people, news reports, medical reports, financial statements, when we really need to believe what God says.  We need to ask what Gods word says about us & our situation.  Then we need to decide are we going to believe what I Am says or are we going to take someone else's word about us.  I want to encourage you to believe God.  He made you.  He knows you better than anyone else does.  He knows your past, present, & future.  So if He says it, trust Him& believe Him.  He knows what He's talking about.

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