Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Take it captive

We demolish arguments & every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, & we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Cor. 10:5 NIV)

This verse has two great thoughts that hit me today & that I needed to be reminded of.  The first one is about demolishing arguments that go against God. One phrase I was reading about the other day was "godless chatter" .  I have heard a lot of godless chatter lately.  As people talk about things it reminds me of the importance of a "relationship" with Christ.  I was probably first introduced to these types of "arguments" in college with my philosophy instructor.  He would ask all of the questions about whether God really exists or not & give all of the reasons he thought that He didn't.  Since then I have heard a lot of those similar arguments from people who do not believe God exists.  When asked to explain why I believe He is who He says He is, I keep going back to that relationship.  The more I have gotten into Gods word & spending time with Him in prayer & watching Him work in my life & so many others, I have no doubt that I serve a risen Savior, Jesus Christ.
     The second thing is taking every thought captive.  This is one I can have trouble with.  I'm a thinker & if I'm not careful, Satan sneaks in lies to me & allows me to run them over & over in my mind.  This verse reminds me to take each thought captive & to kick out the junk that comes in.  When I allow the junk to enter in, it keeps me from working like Christ intends just like any foreign substance that is introduced to a machine.  Do not let the junk take root.  If it doesn't agree with what God says or what God says about you, then it is a lie & has to go.
     Today know that those arguments can't stand up to God & His word.  Also kick out the junk before it has a chance to get in.  Stay in Gods word & both of these things will come much easier.

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